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When an electrical problem strikes, you need an experienced certified electrician in Los Angeles who can help at a moment’s notice
GFCI Outlets for Kitchens & Bathrooms: What You Need to Know
GFCI Outlets for Kitchens & Bathrooms: What You Need to Know Ground fault circuit interrupters (GFCIs) make up part of a safe and reliable electrical system for your home. GFCI outlets in the kitchen reduce the risk of shock while cooking, washing dishes, or other tasks, and GFCI
Preventing Electrical Fires in Outdoor Spaces
Preventing Electrical Fires in Outdoor Spaces Los Angeles residents enjoy the outdoors year-round, and adding convenient outlets and ambient lighting to the patio or yard makes outdoor spaces even more appealing. Outdoor electrical outlets are useful for yard work, entertaining, hanging holiday lights, or working outdoors on your laptop.
GFI vs. GFCI: The Differences Explained
GFI Outlets vs. GFCI Outlets: The Differences Explained GFCI and GFI outlets are crucial electrical safety devices that protect your home from electrical hazards. Often referred to interchangeably, it can be tough to understand the differences between GFI outlets vs. GFCI outlets. Learn about the distinctions and similarities between
How to Choose Outdoor Solar Lights
How to Choose Outdoor Solar Lights While all outdoor solar lights can add style and illumination to your home by harnessing the power of the sun, there are a few options to consider when choosing the right lights for your home. At Express Electrical, our team of licensed
How to Change a Lightbulb
How to Change a Lightbulb You may be unsure how to change a light bulb for many reasons. Maybe you’re living on your own for the first time, or maybe you’ve just never had the opportunity to change a lightbulb yourself because somebody else has always done it.
What Is the Importance of a Circuit Breaker?
What Is the Importance of a Circuit Breaker? Homeowners, renters, and landlords should understand the importance of circuit breakers and what they do. First, you need to understand how electricity flows through your house, where it comes from, and what a circuit breaker does. Read on to learn
What to Do When Your House Failed Electrical Inspection
What to Do When Your House Failed Electrical Inspection Electrical inspections are essential for keeping your home safe and functional. Home electrical inspection failures can be frustrating and concerning for homeowners, but understanding the factors involved in a failed inspection can help ensure the safety and compliance of your
The Difference Between an Electrical Contractor and an Electrician
The Difference Between an Electrical Contractor and an Electrician The difference between an electrical contractor and an electrician may not be obvious, but they have very different roles, as defined by the National Electrical Contractors Association. While an electrician may physically come to your home to perform electrical
How to Test and Reset GFCI Outlets
How to Test and Reset GFCI Outlets It’s important to equip your home with proper electrical outlets to ensure your household's safety. Power surges from outlets are no joke. They can lead to electric shock or produce dangerous electrical fires. Installing proper GFCI outlets in your home will protect