4 Things To Know When Wiring An Additional Room


Wiring a new room is a bit more complex than, for example, screwing in a lightbulb or tightening a fixture. Your best bet is to call in a professional. A Los Angeles electrician is trained in installing wiring and electrical fixtures, and even appliances and electronics. Every room is unique. Consulting a professional is just the first step, but an important one to consider for a major wiring job.

That being said, important things to think about include:

  1. Building CodesThe electrical work involved in adding rooms, like running new electrical cables and wiring circuits, may require a permit. Your local building department can inspect your electrical system to ensure it is up to code. They can also explain general requirements, so your project is code-compliant; your electrician is also familiar with the latest local requirements.
    All national codes for residential/commercial wiring are included in the National Electrical Code. Professional Electricians normally keep this book handy. However, local building departments often make their own modifications—another reason to consult a local electrician and building inspector.
  2. Requirements Differ with Each RoomThere are codes that pertain to electrical re-wiring in an entire house. Others specify how different rooms must be wired. Some examples include:
    • Living rooms, dining rooms, and bedrooms: A wall switch must be near the entry door, and receptacles must be no greater than 12 feet apart. All light fixtures must be connected to 15-amp circuits.
    • Kitchens: You’ll need two 20-amp small appliance circuits (linked to GFCI receptacles above countertops) or 15-amp split circuit receptacles. Also, separate circuits may be needed for different appliances.
    • Bathrooms: All receptacles must be protected by a GFCI, while light fixtures must be sealed to keep out moisture; higher powered fans and lights must each be wired to a different circuit.

    Better Homes & Gardens provides more insights on room-specific code requirement.

  3. Use of Dimmer SwitchesDimmers help save energy. You may not always need the same amount of light anyway. However, not every light fixture is compatible with dimmer switches. If one isn’t, the dimmer may not function properly and you could do damage to the fixture.
  4. Hard-Wired Smoke DetectorsSmoke detectors are generally required by law. They must be located near sleeping areas. When installing your electrical wiring, Express Electrical Services can hard-wire smoke detectors so dead batteries are not a problem. Therefore, every additional room to your home is safe.

There Are Many Parts to Your Electrical System – Contact Express Electrical Services

A home electrical system consists of the main line from the power pole, a meter, circuit breaker panel, circuits, outlets, appliances, and light fixtures. It takes a lot of knowledge and skill to properly install these. Also, each new room requires an electrical supply and entirely new set of wiring. At Express Electrical Services, your Los Angeles, Orange County, and Riverside electrician is trained and equipped to manage the entire process. Feel free to contact us for a consultation or to schedule installation.

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